A blue moon occurs when a calendar month has two full moons with in it. This will happen about once every two-and-a half years.
I had the opportunity this New Years Eve to ski under the light of the blue moon with friends. As it cast shadows onto the snow, making it glisten and glitter you couldn't help but slow down look around in awe trying to capture the scenic landscape with a mental snapshot. It was a rather cold night, like the ones many of us are experiencing this winter, and the light danced through the ice crystals that were hanging in the air. The trees were heavy with snow and it truly looked like a winter wonderland.
Prior to driving up the pass and strapping on our skis we almost talked ourselves out of it because of the cold, but no one wanted to be the person to make that call so we went ahead and headed up. It was an amazing way to remind myself to take advantage of the season and to enjoy the stark beauty of winter.
Camp is s amazingly beautiful this time of year. No matter where you are don't be afraid to bundle up and get outside.
What a beautiful reminder to take advantage of the moment. Well worth putting on the extra layers and braving the cold!